Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm giving it a try

Woke up to a raging blizzard this morning, and I was fool enough to go out into it, because something had to be mailed at the post office. Of course, the snow had lessened, and the clouds were starting to break by the time I got back to the house. There's now a two-foot snow drift between the porch and sidewalk though. I am SO staying inside for the rest of the day!

I'm starting further revisions on the first three chapters of my novel, so there (hopefully!) won't be much left to do, once I hear back from my professor on the outline I sent off. And I'm getting my notes in order for the next short story I want to submit. The last one was for younger children, but most of my writing tends to be geared towards young adult and adult audiences. This next short story is about a 16 year old girl. It's a fantasy piece, so I'm checking to see which mags are currently taking submissions.

I may have found a lead on a getting some freelance work. If it amounts to anything, I'll post about it. Thanks Renee, for your suggestions! They were helpful. :)

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