Friday, January 25, 2008

What to do next.

This is my attempt at starting a writer's blog. I'm sure it will be most-stimulating to others. So much so, that it will put them to sleep! But it's here, if anyone ever needs a cure for their insomnia...

Earlier this week, I finished up the book proposal for my professor. Now I at least have some idea how long I want my first book to be, and how I'd like it to end. I've plotted out 20 chapters, and I've written 10 so far, but I've still got a lot of revising to do.

This week I also sent in an article to my other professor. It took me a long time to finish. I have never been a fan of writing non-fiction. And it has to be an extremely interesting topic, before I will even read it. The exception to this for me is in things dealing with nature. I've always been fascinated in the behavior of animals, and find that I can often be inspired by the things I observe in them. You can expect the unexpected in nature. The birds and deer don't know how to read cue cards or text books; they do their own thing, and skip convention. I generally prefer fiction, because the writer has more freedom in what happens and in what direction the piece will go. My article basically ended up being a three-page tangent on medical doctors. It was dreck, in my opinion, and I'll find out soon enough if my professor agrees.

I finally got myself in gear, and sent off another short story to a children's magazine. Now I'm polishing up a different short story that I'd like to get sent off by the end of next week.

Today, I had to go into town to run errands, so I took a break from the usual grind. Some new ideas came to me though, and I jotted them down. I've been blocked for some time on another book idea I'm trying to develop, but I think a new thread is forming in my scattered brain. Why do ideas always seem to come to me when I am in the shower?! Guess I'll have to get a water-proof tape recorder to remedy that problem.

Tonight, I need to catch up on correspondence again, and then tomorrow it's back to searching the free-lancing web-sites for the slim chance there's something out there I'm actually qualified to write about. True, I don't like writing non-fiction, but a girl's get paid to eat!

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